"Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll."

"Ladies and gentlemen, rock and roll."

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The Woodpecker, Weekly Sinkwood Paper - Sunday, June 7th

Page 12

Amarillo Sam’s Drive-In Round Up
Sunday, June 7th, 1981

Is it just me or is the good ole’ American hamburger going right in the toilet? And I mean that literally. It used to be you’d get yourself a piece of prize meat with all the fixings from your favorite fast food restaurant, and it’d fill you up plenty -- so much so that’d you’d still be satisfied a couple days later. But lately, I’ve been noticing that all those burgers ain't doing nothing to keep me tamed in the gut. I guess the same could be said of "Cheech and Chong's Nice Dreams", which opened this week at The Safari, and, boy, is it more of the same but not as fulfilling. Of course, we're not talking burgers here, we're talking stoners and wacky weed and the hijinks they get into while selling grass out of an ice cream truck. "Look Johnny Ray, here comes the ice cream man! What do you want? Thai Stick Push-Up Pops or a Columbian Gold Bar?" And who said the American family is dead? Let's take a look at what we got:

-Two hero stoners, a couple of villain cocaine dealers(Guerrero and Ruebens), a lizard Stacey Keach, cackling Tim Leary and his LSD recipe, naked Cheech, lots of wide-eyed cocaine use and even more pot smoking! Plus a surprise ending that’s not really a surprise, but hell, it’s still better than “Lawerence of Arabia”.

Sam says give it a look and a toke.

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